


Compendium of Materia Medica翻译_compendium


endostracum-endostraca 壳,内层

caecum-caeca 盲肠

vademecum-vademeca 随身物品,手册,袖珍指南

memorandum-memoranda/memorandums 备忘录,(契约等条文的)节略,便签,便函

notandum-notanda/notandums (拟)记录的事物,备忘录

addendum-addenda/addendums 补遗,附录,附加物

pudendum-pudenda (尤指女性的)

corrigendum-corrigenda 应改正的错误,正误表,勘误表

definiendum-definienda 被下定义的词

referendum-referenda/referendums (关于政治措施、法律等的)公民投票,公民投票权,复决权

propylaeum-proprylaea (神殿等的)入口

peritonaeum-peritonaea 腹膜

gynaeceum- gynaecea (古希腊、罗马的)闺房,女眷内室,雄蕊群

odeum-odea/odeums (古希腊、罗马)奏乐厅,音乐厅,剧场

oleum-olea 油

oleum-oleums 发烟硫酸

mausoleum-mausolea/mausoleums 陵墓,大而阴森的房屋(或房间)

calcaneum-calcanea 跟骨,空凹足

succedaneum-succedanea 代替人,代用品,替代物

perineum-perinea 会阴

periosteum-periostea 骨膜

labium-labia ,(昆虫的)下唇,下唇瓣

rhizobium-rhizobia 根瘤细菌属,任何一种根瘤细菌

paramecium-paramecia 草履虫

gynoecium-gynoecia 雌蕊群


palladium-palladia 护卫,保障,雅典娜的神像

stadium-stadia/stadiums 露天大型运动场,赛跑运动场,龄期

medium-media/mediums 中间人,媒介物,传导体,手段,工具

intermedium-intermedia/intermediums 中间体,媒介物

ascidium-ascidia (植物的)瓶状体

nephridium-nephridia 肾,肾管

praesidium-praesidia/praesidiums 主席团,常务委员会

ommatidium-ommatidia/ommatidium (昆虫的)小眼

pyxidium-pyxidia 盖果

antependium-antependia/antependiums (教堂圣坛前的)帷幔,屏布

compendium-compendia/compendiums 摘要,纲要,概要

minifundium-minifundia 小庄园,小领地,小地产

latifundium-latifundia 打庄园,大领地,大地产

plasmodium-plasmodia 变形体,原质团,疟原虫

podium-podia/podiums 墩座墙,乐队指挥台,交通指挥台

pseudopodium-pseudopodia (动物的)伪足,(苔藓的)假蒴柄

epicardium-epicardia 心外膜,心包脏层

pericardium-pericardia 心包

precordium-precordia 心前区

primordium-primordia 原基

exordium-exordia/exordiums (讲话、论文等的)开端,序言,绪论

patagium-patagia 翅膜,(鳞翅目昆虫的)领片

contagium-contagia 接触传染物

florilegium-florilegia 选集,作品集锦,花谱,群芳谱

sporangium-sporangia 孢子囊,(苔藓植物的)孢蒴

horologium-horologia 钟表,时钟座

brachium-brachia 耾,上臂

ischium-ischia 做骨,坐节,(昆虫的)侧板

mycelium-mycelia 菌丝体

epithelium-epithelia/epitheliums 上皮,皮膜

endothelium-endothelia 内皮,内种皮

mesothelium-mesothelia 间皮

ilium-ilia 髂骨,肠骨

milium-milia 粟粒疹,粟丘疹

prothallium-prothallia 原叶体

pallium-pallia/palliums 大披肩,(昆虫的)隔膜,大脑皮层,大脑皮质

penicillium-penicillia/penicilliums 青霉菌,毛丛

scholium-scholia/scholiums (古典文学的)页旁注解,附注,例证

encomium-encomia/encomiums 赞扬,推崇,赞词,颂词

cranium-crania/craniums 头盖,头盖骨,脑壳

pericranium-pericrania 颅骨膜,头盖骨,头颅

osteocranium-osteocrania 骨颅

chondrocranium-chondrocrania 软骨颅

proscenium-proscenium 舞台前部,(泛指)前部,显著地位

tirocinium-tirocinia 学徒期限,学徒身份,技艺初步,技艺入门

triclinium-triclinia (古罗马)环绕在桌面的躺椅

pollinium-pollinia 花粉块

decennium-decennia 十年

biennium-biennia 两年

triennium-triennia 三年

millennium-millennia/millenniums 一千年,太平盛世,想像中的黄金时期

quinquennium-quinquennia/quinquenniums 五年

syconium-syconia 隐头花序

carpogonium-carpogonia 果胞

sporogonium-sporogonia 孢原细胞

spermatogonium-spermatogonia 精原细胞

principium-principia 原理,原则,基础

marsupium-marsupia 育儿袋,卵袋

syllabarium-syllabaria 音节表,字音表

columbarium-columbaria 骨灰盒安置所,放骨灰盒的壁龛,鸽棚

herbarium-herbaria 植物标本集,植物标本室,植物标本盒

solarium-solaria 日光浴室,日光治疗室

cinerarium-cineraria 骨灰盒存放所

honorarium-honoraria/honorariums 酬金,谢礼

insectarium-insectaria 养虫室

planetarium-planetaria/planetariums 太阳系仪,天象仪,天文馆

termitarium-termitaria 白蚁巢

armamentarium-armamentaria/armamentariums 一套设备

serpentarium-serpentaria/serpentariums 蛇类展览馆

aquarium-aquaria/aquariums 养鱼缸,水族馆,水族槽

vivarium-vivaria 动物(或植物)园

equilibrium-equilibria/equilibriums 平衡,均衡,平均,相称

disequilibrium-disequilibria/disequilibriums 失去平衡,不均衡

perichondrium-perichondria 软骨膜

imperium-imperia 最高权力,绝对统治,管辖,执法权,主权

bacterium-bacteria 细菌

delirium-deliria/deliriums 说胡话,极度兴奋,发狂

corium-coria 真皮

triforium-triforia 教堂拱门上面的拱廊

anticlinorium-anticlinoria 复背斜

synclinorium-synclinoria 复向斜

emporium-emporia/emporiums 商场,商业中心,大百货商店

sensorium-sensoria/sensorium 感觉中枢

sudatorium-sudatoria/sudatoriums 热气浴室,热气浴

crematorium-crematoria/crematoriums 焚尸炉,火葬场

fumatorium-fumatoria/fumatoriums 密封熏蒸室,熏蒸

sanatorium-sanatoria/sanatoriums 疗养院,休养地

moratorium-moratoria/moratoriums (依法给欠款人的)延期偿还权,(欠款的)延续偿还期

natatorium-natatoria/natatoriums 游泳池(尤指室内游泳池)

auditorium-auditoria 听众席,观众席,旁听席,讲堂,礼堂

lubritorium-lubritoria 机动车润滑油加油站

atrium-atria/atriums (古罗马建筑物的)中庭,正厅,门廊,心房

epigastrium-epigastria 腹上部,第一膜片

hypogastrium-hypogastria 腹下部,下腹

mesogastrium-mesogastria 中腹部,(胚胎的)骨系膜

gymnasium-gymnasia/gymnasiums 体育馆,健身房,大学预科

symposium-symposia/symposiums 酒会,座谈会,专题讨论会,专题论文集

epimysium-epimysia 肌外膜

endomysium-endomysia 肌内膜,肌纤维衣

solatium-solatia 赔偿费

cymatium-cymatia 反曲线状,拱顶花边,波状花边

consortium-consortia 财团,联合企业,合作,合伙

ostium-ostia 口,门,孔

syncytium-syncytia 合胞体

colloquium-colloquia/colloquiums (学术)讨论会,学术报告

effluvium-effluvia/efflviums (臭气、液体的)散发,放出,恶臭气,无声放电

diluvium-diluvia/diluviums 洪积层,洪积流

alluvium-alluvia/alluviums 冲积层

compluvium-compluvia 房顶洞

trapezium-trapezia 梯形,不规则四边形,大多角骨

velum-vela 帆(尤指软腭),膜,缘膜,菌幕

filum-fila 丝

hilum-hila 脐,核,粒心

vallum-valla/vallums (古罗马的)壁垒,垒墙

labellum-labella (植物的)唇瓣

flabellum-flabella (身体上)呈扇形的器官(或部分)

cerebellum-cerebella 小脑

flagellum-flagella/flagellums 鞭毛,鞭状体,(昆虫触角的)鞭节,鞭子

clitellum-clitella 环带,生殖带

scutellum-scutella 小盾片,胚鳞

spirillum-sprilla 螺旋菌




五十二卷。 作者用了近三十年时间编成, 收载药物 1892 种,附药图 1000 余幅,阐发药物的性味、主治、用药法则、产地、形态、采集、炮制 、方剂配伍等,并载附方 10000 余。 本书有韩、日、英、法、德等多种文 字的全译本或节译本。集我国16世纪之前药学成就之大成。


《本草纲目》(Compendium of Materia Medica)是由明朝伟大的医药学家李时珍(1518-1593年)为修改古代医书中的错误而编,他以毕生精力,亲历实践,广收博采,对本草学进行了全面的整理总结,历时29年编成,30余年心血的结晶。共有52卷,载有药物1892种,其中载有新药374种,收集药方11096个,书中还绘制了1160幅精美的插图,约190万字,分为16部、60类。这种分类法,已经过渡到按自然演化的系统来进行了。对植物的科学分类,要比瑞典的分类学家林奈[1]早二百年。每种药物分列释名(确定名称)、集解(叙述产地)、正误(更正过去文献的错误)、修治(炮制方法)、气味、主治、发明(前三项指分析药物的功能)、附方(收集民间流传的药方)等项。全书收录植物药有881种,附录61种,共942种,再加上具名未用植物153种,共计1095种,占全部药物总数的58%。李时珍把植物分为草部、谷部、菜部、果部、本部五部,又把草部分为山草、芳草、溼草、毒草、蔓草、水草、石草、苔草、杂草等九类,是我国医药宝库中的一份珍贵遗产。是对16世纪以前中医药学的系统总结,在训诂、语言文字、历史、地理、植物、动物、矿物、冶金等方面也有突出成就。本书十七世纪末即传播,先后多种文字的译本,对世界自然科学也有举世公认的卓越贡献。其有关资料曾被达尔文所引。用它是几千年来祖国药物学的总结。这本药典,不论从它严密的科学分类,或是从它包含药物的数目之多和流畅生动的文笔来看,都远远超过古代任何一部本草著作。被誉为“东方药物巨典”,对人类近代科学以及医学方面影响最大。是我国医药宝库中的一份珍贵遗产。它的成就,首先在药物分类上改变了原有上、中、下三品分类法,采取了“析族区类,振纲分目”的科学分类。它把药物分矿物药、植物药、动物药。又将矿物药分为金部、玉部、石部、卤部四部。植物药一类,根据植物的性能、形态、及其生长的环境,区别为草部、谷部、菜部、果部、木部等5部;草部又分为山草、芳草、醒草、毒草、水草、蔓草、石草等小类。动物一类,按低级向高级进化的顺序排列为虫部、鳞部、介部、禽部、兽部、人部等6部。



collection: [ k?0?5'lek?0?6?0?5n ]

n. 收藏品,收集物


1. There are two collections a day from this letter box.


2. You are invited to view our autumn collection.


3. She selected a diamond ring from the collection.


4. The painting has pride of place in his collection.


5. The firm contributed 10,000 to the collection.


6. Is the collection going to be divided up or sold as a whole?




1. several things grouped together or considered as a whole

同义词:aggregation, accumulation, assemblage

2. a publication containing a variety of works


3. request for a sum of money

同义词:solicitation, appeal, ingathering

4. the act of gathering something together

同义词:collecting, assembling, aggregation








 年度制作(Record of the Year)

 年度专辑(Album of the Year)

 年度歌曲(Song of the Year)

 最佳新人(Best New Artist)


 最佳流行歌手(Best Pop Solo Performance)

 最佳流行对唱/组合(Best Pop Duo/Group Performance)

 最佳流行演唱专辑(Best Pop Vocal Album)

 最佳传统流行演唱专辑(Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album)


 最佳舞曲制作(Best Dance Recording)

 最佳舞曲/电子专辑(Best Dance/Electronic Album)

  当代器乐(Contemporary Instrumental)

 最佳当代器乐演奏专辑(Best Contemporary Instrumental Album)


 最佳摇滚歌手(Best Rock Performance)

 最佳金属乐演奏(Best Metal Performance)

 最佳摇滚歌曲(Best Rock Song)

 最佳摇滚专辑(Best Rock Album)


 最佳另类音乐专辑(Best Alternative Music Album)


 最佳R&B歌手(Best R&B Performance)

 最佳传统R&B歌手(Best Traditional R&B Performance)

 最佳R&B歌曲(Best R&B Song)

 最佳当代城市专辑(Best Urban Contemporary Album)

 最佳R&B专辑(Best R&B Album)


 最佳说唱歌手(Best Rap Performance)

 最佳说唱合作(Best Rap/Sung Collaboration)

 最佳说唱歌曲(Best Rap Song)

 最佳说唱专辑(Best Rap Album)


 最佳乡村歌手(Best Country Solo Performance)

 最佳乡村组合(Best Country Duo/Group Performance)

 最佳乡村歌曲(Best Country Song)

 最佳乡村专辑(Best Country Album)

  新世纪音乐(New age)

 最佳新世纪专辑(Best New Age Album)


 最佳爵士乐器独奏(Best Improvised Jazz Solo)

 最佳爵士演唱专辑(Best Jazz Vocal Album)

 最佳爵士演奏专辑(Best Jazz Instrumental Album)

 最佳大爵士乐团专辑(Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album)

 最佳拉丁爵士专辑(Best Latin Jazz Album)

  福音音乐/当代基du教音乐(Gospel/Contemporary Christian Music)

 最佳福音演奏/歌曲(Best Gospel Performance/Song)

 最佳当代基du教音乐演奏/歌曲(Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song)

 最佳福音专辑(Best Gospel Album)

 最佳当代基du教音乐专辑(Best Contemporary Christian Music Album)

 最佳本土福音专辑(Best Roots Gospel Album)


 最佳拉丁流行专辑(Best Latin Pop Album)

 最佳拉丁摇滚/拉丁城市/拉丁另类专辑(Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album)

 最佳墨西哥/特加诺专辑(Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano))

 最佳热带拉丁专辑(Best Tropical Latin Album)

  美国根源音乐(American Roots)

 最佳美国本土音乐演奏(Best American Roots Song)

 最佳美国本土歌曲(Best American Roots Song)

 最佳美国本土专辑(Best Americana Album)

 最佳蓝草专辑(Best Bluegrass Album)


 最佳雷鬼专辑(Best Reggae Album)

  世界音乐(World Music)

 最佳世界音乐专辑(Best World Music Album)


 最佳儿童音乐专辑(Best Childrens Album)

  诵读(Spoken Word)

 最佳诵读专辑(Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling))


 最佳喜剧专辑(Best Comedy Album)

  音乐剧(Musical Theatre)

 最佳音乐剧专辑(Best Musical Theater Album)

  影视音乐(Music for Visual Media)

 最佳改编影视歌曲合辑(Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media)

 最佳原创影视音乐专辑(Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media)

 最佳影视歌曲(Best Song Written For Visual Media)


 最佳器乐作曲(Best Instrumental Composition)


 最佳器乐编排(Best Arrangement, Instrumental Or A Cappella)

 最佳器乐编曲伴唱(Best Arrangement, Instruments And Vocals)


 最佳唱片包装(Best Recording Package)

 最佳盒装/限量发行版包装(Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package)


 最佳专辑注解(Best Album Notes)


 最佳历史专辑(Best Historical Album)

  制作(Engineered Album)

 最佳非古典类工程专辑(Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical)

 最佳古典类工程专辑(Best Engineered Album, Classical)


 年度非古典类制作人(Producer of the Year, Non-Classical)

 年度古典类制作人(Producer of the Year, Classical)


 最佳非古典类混音唱片(Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical)

 环绕音响(Surround Sound)

 最佳环绕音响专辑(Best Surround Sound Album)


 最佳管弦乐团(Best Orchestral Performance)

 最佳歌剧唱片(Best Opera Recording)

 最佳合唱团(Best Choral Performance)

 最佳室内乐/小乐团演奏(Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance)

 最佳古典器乐独奏(Best Classical Instrumental Solo) 最佳古典独唱(Best Classical Vocal Solo)

 最佳古典音乐汇编(Best Classical Compendium)

 最佳当代古典音乐作曲奖(Best Contemporary Classical Composition)

  音乐录像带/音乐**(Music Video/Film)

 最佳音乐录像带(Best Music Video)

 最佳音乐**(Best Music Film)














 如今的格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)由美国国家录音艺术科学学院负责颁发,学院由音乐界的专业人士所组成,目的在于奖励过去一年中成就出众的音乐艺术家。


The History of the Cocktail

The true creation of a popular cocktail can be traced to the nineteenth century. One early written reference to the term "cocktail" (as a drink based on spirits with other spirits and additives) can be found in an American magazine, The Balance, published in May 1806. It stated that a "Cocktail is a stimulating liquor, composed of spirits of any kind, sugar, water, and bitters..."

1860 to 1920 – California: The Birthplace of the First Cocktails

The cocktail's fragmented history begins in the nineteenth century. One of the first modern cocktails to be named and recognized is the martini. It can be traced back to an 1862 recipe for the Martinez. This American recipe consisted of four parts sweet red vermouth to one part gin, garnished with a cherry. "Professor" Jerry Thomas tended the bar of the old Occidental Hotel in San Francisco and reputedly made the drink for a gold miner on his way to the town of Martinez, which lay forty miles to the east. The recipe for the Martinez in Thomas' 1887 bartender's guide called for Old Tom gin, sweet vermouth, a dash of maraschino and bitters, as well as a slice of lemon and two dashes of gum syrup.

A modern day dry martini consists of gin and dry white vermouth, garnished with an olive. Obviously, gin has changed a lot since then, when it would have been relatively sweet compared to modern gins. Some even claim the martini was named after the Martini-Henry rifle used by the British army around 1870, as both the rifle and the drink had a strong kick!

What we do know is that by 1900, the martini had become known nationwide and had spread to the other side of the Atlantic. This is said by some to be the beginning of the golden age of cocktails. During this time a basic list of cocktails emerged and steadily became more and more popular.

1920 to 1933 - Prohibition in the USA

On January 16, 1920, the National Prohibition Act became the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This meant it was illegal to manufacture, sell, transport, import, or export any "intoxicating liquors." Despite this, much of the general public still had ways to gain access to the illegal substance, often through speakeasies and private parties. Gangsters focused on bootlegging and moonshine, making Chicago a center of booze, gambling and prostitution. Al Capone was the most notorious crime boss and the power behind the illegal activities in Chicago during Prohibition. As a gangster and racketeer, Capone became one of the biggest bootleggers of all time.

The popularity of cocktails at that time was at least partly due to the need to cover up the bad taste of some of the crudely produced hooch smuggled by the bootleggers. Some of the cocktail recipes used today were invented in the days of Prohibition as cocktail recipes flourished in the illegal bars, parties and clubs of major American cities.

1934 to 1959 – The Margarita is Born

This period was one of great innovation. One of the most popular cocktails—the margarita—is said to have originated in 1948. A Dallas socialite named Margarita Sames purportedly hosted a poolside Christmas party at her vacation home in Acapulco, Mexico. The party game for Margarita was to mix drinks behind the bar and let her guests rate the results. When she mixed three parts tequila with one part triple sec and one part lime, it was such a success among her guests that it quickly traveled from Texas to Hollywood and the rest of the country, bearing her name.

Legend also says the drink originated in the early 1930s at the Caliente Racetrack Bar in Tijuana, Mexico. There is little evidence, though, for the story of showgirl Marjorie King who had an allergy to most alcoholic drinks and could only drink tequila. In 1938, she asked for a tequila cocktail rather than a shot at the Rancho Del Gloria Bar in Rosarita Beach, Mexico. The bartender, Danny Herrera, poured tequila over shaved ice then added lemon and triple sec. The drink was then named after Marjorie (or at least, the Spanish translation of her name).

1960 to Present – Commercialization and Innovation

In the second half of the twentieth century, the cocktail has taken on many guises as its popularity has flourished. Both literature and film have contributed to the images of wealth and class associated with the cocktail hour.

With the constant creation of new drinks (with some strange and interesting names), cocktails have become increasingly popular. With drink names such as the Freddy Kruger, pan galactic gargle blaster, Afternoon Delight and Sex on the Beach, it's no wonder cocktails are all the rage.