


4.狼的资料 要有狼的外貌、习性、食物等描写 是英文 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急



Moses beard指的是飘在胸前的大胡子;

Toothbrush moustache指的是唇上修剪得整整齐齐的胡子(也称clipped moustache)

Pencil-like moustache指的是唇上修剪得两头尖式样的胡子;

Becoming moustache指的是年轻人刚刚长出来的胡子;

Side-whiskers/ side-beard把角比较短的连胡子;

Stubbly beard/ bristles指下巴颏上的胡子茬儿;

Spade beard指长方形胡须;

Voluminous whiskers表示脸上有一大把颊须;




artificial whiskers表示中国京剧演员的胡子;

此外,beaver也可用来形容大胡子的人,至于圣诞老人的大胡子则用cascading white beard表示

形容胡子生长的情况,可用heavy bearded, high bearded这样的短语;

形容胡须浓密,可用bushy, dense, heavy, rough, shaggy, thick等;

形容胡须稀疏,可用light, scanty, sparse等;

形容胡须杂乱,可用matted, straggling等


中文名 英文名 拉丁名 命名人 上一级中文名5 负鼠科 American opossums Didelphidae 中美绵毛负鼠 White-backed woolly opossum,Derbian opossum Caluromys derbianus (Waterhouse) 绵毛负鼠属 丰毛负鼠 Ecuadorian opossum,Woolly opossum Caluromys lanatus (Illiger) 绵毛负鼠属 南美绵毛负鼠 Woolly opossum Caluromys philander (Linnaeus) 绵毛负鼠属 黑肩负鼠 Black-shouldered opossum Caluromysiops irrupta Sanborn 黑肩负鼠属 雅负鼠 Bushy-tailed opossum Glironia venusta Thomas 雅负鼠属 蹼足负鼠 Yapok ,Water opossum Chironectes minimus (Zimmermann) 蹼足负鼠属 玻利维亚鼠(鼠儿) Gracilinanus aceramarcae Tate 袋负鼠属 中南美鼠(鼠儿) Gracilinanus agilis (Burmeister) 袋负鼠属 林神鼠(鼠儿) Gracilinanus dryas 袋负鼠属 南美鼠(鼠儿) Gracilinanus emiliae Thomas 袋负鼠属 拉丁鼠(鼠儿) Gracilinanus marica Thomas 袋负鼠属 圣保罗鼠(鼠儿) Small-footed mouse opossum Gracilinanus microtarsus (Wagner) 袋负鼠属 草地负鼠 Patagonian opossum Lestodelphys halli (Thomas) 草地负鼠属 粗尾负鼠 Thick-tailed opossum,Little water opossum Lutreolina crassicaudata (Desmarest) 粗尾负鼠属 鸣鼠(鼠儿) Marmosops cracens Handlev et Gordon 鸣鼠(鼠儿)属 小眼鼠(鼠儿) Marmosops dorothea Tate 鸣鼠(鼠儿)属 棕鼠(鼠儿) Marmosops fuscatus Thomas 鸣鼠(鼠儿)属 汉氏鼠(鼠儿) Marmosops handleyi Pine 鸣鼠(鼠儿)属 无畏鼠(鼠儿) Marmosops impavidus (Tschudi) 鸣鼠(鼠儿)属 巴拿马鼠(鼠儿) Marmosops incanus (Lund) 鸣鼠(鼠儿)属 胜利鼠(鼠儿) Panama murine opossum Marmosops invictus Goldman 鸣鼠(鼠儿)属 夜游鼠(鼠儿) Night mouse opossum Marmosops noctivagaus (Tschudi) 鸣鼠(鼠儿)属 暗鼠(鼠儿) Marmosops parvidens Tate 鸣鼠(鼠儿)属 秘鲁鼠(鼠儿) Marmosa andersoni Pine 鼠(鼠儿)属 灰白鼠(鼠儿) Grayish mouse opossum Marmosa canescens (J.Allen) 鼠(鼠儿)属 洁鼠(鼠儿) Bright-colored mouse opossum Marmosa lepida (Thomas) 鼠(鼠儿)属 墨西哥鼠(鼠儿) Mexican mouse opossum Marmosa mexicana Merriam 鼠(鼠儿)属 小鼠(鼠儿) Marmosa murina (Linnaeus) 鼠(鼠儿)属 罗氏鼠(鼠儿) Pouchless marsuial mouse, South American mouse opossum Marmosa robinsoni Bangs 鼠(鼠儿)属 红鼠(鼠儿) Marmosa rubra Tate 鼠(鼠儿)属 亚马孙鼠(鼠儿) Marmosa tyleriana Tate 鼠(鼠儿)属 哥伦比亚鼠(鼠儿) Marmosa xerophila Handley et Gordon 鼠(鼠儿)属 四眼负鼠 Brown four-eyed opossum Metachirus nudicaudatus (E.Geoffroy) 四眼负鼠属 艾氏鼠(鼠儿) Aoston's opossum Micoureus alstoni (J.Allen) 小尾负鼠属 阿根廷鼠(鼠儿) Micoureus constantiae Thomas 小尾负鼠属 酋鼠(鼠儿) Amazonian mouse opossum Micoureus demerarae Thmas 小尾负鼠属 王鼠(鼠儿) Micoureus regina Thomas 小尾负鼠属 云短尾负鼠 Cloudy short-tailed opossum Monodelphis adusta (Thomas) 短尾负鼠属 三带短尾负鼠 Three-striped short-tailed opossum Monodelphis americana (Muller) 短尾负鼠属 短尾负鼠 Seba's short-tailed opossum Monodelphis brevicaudata (Erxleben) 短尾负鼠属 东短尾负鼠 Eastern short-tailed opossum Monodelphis dimidiata (Wagner) 短尾负鼠属 家短尾负鼠 Grey short-tailed opossum Monodelphis domestica (Wagner) 短尾负鼠属 巴西短尾负鼠 Monodelphis emiliae (Shaw) 短尾负鼠属 伊氏短尾负鼠 Monodelphis iheringi Thomas 短尾负鼠属 孔氏短尾负鼠 Short-tailed opossum Monodelphis kunsi Pine 短尾负鼠属 亚马孙短尾负鼠 Marajo short-tailed opossum Monodelphis maraxina Thomas 短尾负鼠属 奥斯古德短尾负鼠 Monodelphis osgoodi 短尾负鼠属 圣保罗短尾负鼠 Monodelphis rubida Miranda-Ribeiro 短尾负鼠属 红头负鼠 Red-headed short-tailed opossum Monodelphis scalops (Thomas) 短尾负鼠属 鼩短尾负鼠 Soricine short-tailed opossum Monodelphis sorex (Hensel) 短尾负鼠属 安第斯短尾负鼠 Monodelphis theresa 短尾负鼠属 单纹负鼠 One-striped short-tailed opossum Monodelphis unistriata (Wagner) 短尾负鼠属 安氏负鼠 Philander andersoni 林负鼠属 灰林负鼠 Grey four-eyed opossum Philander opossum (Linnaeus) 林负鼠属 华美鼠负鼠 Elegan's opossum Thylamys elegans 鼠负鼠属 灰鼠(鼠儿) Thylamys macrura 鼠负鼠属 白鼠负鼠 Thylamys pallidior 鼠负鼠属 弱鼠负鼠 Thylamys pusilla 鼠负鼠属 丝鼠负鼠 Thyamys velutinus 鼠负鼠属 鼩负鼠科 Rat opossums Caenolestidae 秘鲁鼩负鼠 Peruvian rat opossum Lestoros inca (Thomas) 秘鲁鼩负鼠属 灰腹鼩负鼠 Caenolestes caniventer Anthony 鼩负鼠属 厄瓜多尔鼩负鼠 Caenolestes convelatus Anthony 鼩负鼠属 烟色鼩负鼠 Opossum-rat Caenolestes fuliginosus (Tomes) 鼩负鼠属 智利袋鼠 Chilean shrew opossum Rhyncholestes raphanurus Osgood 智利袋鼠属 袋狼科 Thylacinidae 袋狼 Thylacine,Tasmanian pouched- wolf Thylacinus cynocephalus (Harris) 袋狼属 袋(豸止止止)科、袋食蚁兽科 Numbats Myrmecobiidae 袋(豸止止止)(袋食蚁兽) Numbat ,Banded anteater Myrmecobius fasciatus Waterhouse 袋(豸止止止)属、袋食蚁兽属 袋鼬科 Pouched mice,Marsupial mice Dasyuridae 袋獾 Tasmanian devil Sarcophilus laniarius (Boitard) (Boitard) 袋獾属 褐袋鼩 Fawn antechinus Antechinus bellus (Thomas) 宽足袋鼩属 黄袋鼩 Yellow-footed antechinus Antechinus flavipes (Waterhouse) 宽足袋鼩属 郜氏宽足袋鼩 Godman's antechinus Antechinus godmani (Thomas) 宽足袋鼩属 狮袋鼩 Cinnamon antechinus Antechinus leo Van Dyck 宽足袋鼩属 黑尾宽足袋鼩 Black-tailed antechinus Antechinus melanurus (Thomas) 宽足袋鼩属 沼泽宽足袋鼩 Swamp antechinus Antechinus minimus (E.Geoffroy) 宽足袋鼩属 长鼻宽足袋鼩 Long-nosed antechinus Antechinus naso (Jentink) 宽足袋鼩属 棕袋鼩 Brown antechinus Antechinus stuartii Macleay 宽足袋鼩属 黑宽足袋鼩 Lesser antechinus Antechinus swainsonii (Waterhouse) 宽足袋鼩属 小宽足袋鼩 Dusky antechinus Antechinus wihelmina Tate 宽足袋鼩属 脊尾袋鼠 Kowari Dasycercus byrnei Spencer 蓬尾袋鼬属 蓬尾袋鼬 Mulgara,Crested-tailed marcupial mouse Dasycercus cristicauda (Krefft) 蓬尾袋鼬属 西澳袋鼬 Dasykaluta rosamondae 西澳袋鼬属 斑袋鼬 Speckled marsupial mouse Parantechinus apicalis 斑袋鼬属 澳北袋鼬 Parantechinus bilarni 斑袋鼬属 长爪袋鼬 Long-clawed marsupial mouse Neophascogale lorentzi (Jentink) 长爪袋鼬属 白斑袋鼬 New Guinea marsupial cat Dasyurus albopunctatus Schlegel 袋鼬属 加氏袋鼬 Chuditch Dasyurus geoffroii Gould 袋鼬属 澳洲袋鼬 Satanellus Dasyurus hallucatus Gould 袋鼬属 斑尾袋鼬 Tiger cat Dasyurus maculatus (Kerr) 袋鼬属 巴新袋鼬 Dasyurus spartacus 袋鼬属 普通袋鼬 Quoll Dasyurus viverrinus (Shaw) 袋鼬属 红腹袋鼬 Red-bellied marsupial mouse Phascolosorex doriae (Thomas) 革囊袋鼬属 狭纹袋鼬 Narrow-striped marsupial mouse Phascolosorex dorsalis (Peters et Doria) 革囊袋鼬属 里氏袋鼬 Wongar ningaui Ningaui ridei Archer 里氏袋鼬属 东澳袋鼬 Pilbara ningaui Ningaui timealeyi Archer 里氏袋鼬属 维多利亚袋鼬 Ningaui yvonnae 里氏袋鼬属 短毛袋鼬 Short-haired marsupial mouse Murexia longicaudata (Schlegel) 林袋鼬属 宽纹袋鼬 Broad-striped marsupial mouse Murexia rothschildi (Tate) 林袋鼬属 三纹袋鼬 Three-striped marsupial mouse,Pouched mouse Myoictis melas (Muller) 纹袋鼬属 吉氏侏袋鼬 Paucident Planigale gilesi Aitken 侏袋鼬属 英氏侏袋鼬 Ingram's planigale, Flat-skulled marsupial mouse Planigale ingrami (Thomas) 侏袋鼬属 侏袋鼬 Pygmy planigale Planigale maculata (Gould) 侏袋鼬属 新几内亚侏袋鼬 Papua marsupial mouse Planigale novaeguineae Tate et Archbold 侏袋鼬属 瘦侏袋鼬 Narrow-nosed planigale Planigale tenuirostris Troughton 侏袋鼬属 红帚尾袋鼩 Red-tailed wambenger,Brush-tailed marsupial mice Phascogale calura Gould 帚尾袋鼩属 黑帚尾袋鼩 Common wambenger Phascogale tapoatafa (Meyer) 帚尾袋鼩属 史岛袋鼩 Sminthopsis aitkeni 狭足袋鼩属 栗色袋鼩 Chestnut dunnart Sminthopsis archeri 狭足袋鼩属 布氏袋鼩 Carpentarian dunnart Sminthopsis butleri Archer 狭足袋鼩属 脂尾袋鼩 Fat-tailed dunnart Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Gould) 狭足袋鼩属 长袋鼩 Sminthopsis dolichura 狭足袋鼩属 杜氏袋鼩 Juliagreek dunnart Sminthopsis douglasi Archer 狭足袋鼩属 灰黑袋鼩 Sminthopsis fuliginosus 狭足袋鼩属 吉氏袋鼩 Sminthopsis gilberti 狭足袋鼩属 白足袋鼩 White-tailed dunnart, Granule-footed sminthopsis Sminthopsis granulipes Troughton 狭足袋鼩属 灰腹袋鼩 Sminthopsis griseoventer 狭足袋鼩属 毛足袋鼩 Hairy-footed dunnart Sminthopsis hirtipes Thomas 狭足袋鼩属 柔毛袋鼩 Sminthopsis laniger (Gould) 狭足袋鼩属 白足狭足袋鼩 White-footed dunnart Sminthopsis leucopus (Gray) 狭足袋鼩属 长尾狭足袋鼩 Long-tailed dunnart Sminthopsis longicuadata Spencer 狭足袋鼩属 大尾狭足袋鼩 Darling Downs dunnart Sminthopsis macroura (Gould) 狭足袋鼩属 普通狭足袋鼩 Common dunnart Sminthopsis murina (Waterhouse) 狭足袋鼩属 澳洲袋鼩 Sminthopsis ooldea Troughton 狭足袋鼩属 沙丘狭足袋鼩 Sandhill dunnart Sminthopsis psammophila Spencer 狭足袋鼩属 红颊狭足袋鼩 Red-cheeked dunnart Sminthopsis virginiae (Tarragon ) (Tarragon ) 狭足袋鼩属 小毛足袋鼩 Lesser hairy-foot dunnart Sminthopsis youngsoni 狭足袋鼩属 袋狸科 Bandicoots Peramelidae 豚足袋狸 Pig-footed bandicoot Chaeropus ecaudatus (Ogilby) 豚足袋狸属 金背袋狸 Golden bandicoot Isoodon auratus (Ramsay) 短鼻袋狸属 长尾袋狸 Brindled bandicoot, Short-nosed bandicoot Isoodon macrourus (Gould) 短鼻袋狸属 短鼻袋狸 Brown bandicoot Isoodon obesulus (Shaw) 短鼻袋狸属 带袋狸 Marl , Barred bandicoot Perameles bougainville Quoy et Gaimard 袋狸属 橙背袋狸 Desert bandicoot Perameles eremiana Spencer 袋狸属 加氏袋狸 Gunn's bandicoot Perameles gunnii Gray 袋狸属 长鼻袋狸 Long-nosed bandicoot Perameles nasuta E.Geoffroy 袋狸属 鳞尾袋狸 Scaly-tailed possum(phalanger) Wyulda squamicaudata Alexander 鳞尾袋狸属 兔耳袋狸科 Peroryctidae 兔耳袋狸 Common rabbit-bandicoot Macrotis lagotis (Reid) 兔耳袋狸属 小兔耳袋狸 Lesser rabbit-bandicoot Macrotis leucura (Thomas) 兔耳袋狸属 白唇袋狸 White-lipped bandicoots Echymipera clara Stein 刺袋狸属 戴氏袋狸 Echymipera davidi 刺袋狸属 多利袋狸 Echymipera echinista 刺袋狸属 刺袋狸 Spiny bandicoot Echymipera kalubu (Fischer) 刺袋狸属 红袋狸 Rufescent bandicoot, New Guinean spiny bandicoot Echymipera rufescens (Peters et Doria) 刺袋狸属 大袋狸 Giant bandicoot Peroryctes broadbenti (Ramsay) 新几内亚袋狸属 纹袋狸 Striped bandicoot Peroryctes longicauda (Peters et Doria) 新几内亚袋狸属 长尾鼠袋狸 Small African otter shrew Microperoryctes ruwenzorii 鼠袋狸属 鼠袋狸 Mouse-bandicoot Microperoryctes murina Stein 鼠袋狸属 软毛鼠袋狸 Microperoryctes papuensis 鼠袋狸属 岛袋狸 Ceram bandicoot Rhynchomeles prattorum Thomas 岛袋狸属 袋鼹科 Marsupial moles, Pouched moles Notoryctidae 托氏袋鼹 Notoryctes caurinus 袋鼹属 袋鼹 Marsupial mole Notoryctes typhlops (Stirling) 袋鼹属 袋貂科 Phalangers, Cuscuses, Possums Phalangeridae 袋猫 Bear phalangers Ailurops ursinus 袋猫属 伊岛斑卷尾袋貂 Spolocuscus maculatus 斑卷尾袋貂属 莫罗贝斑卷尾袋貂 Spilocuscus rufoniger 斑卷尾袋貂属 长吻袋貂 Honey possum Tarsipes spenserae Gray 长吻袋貂属 瓦纳帕袋貂 Phalanger carmelitae Thomas 袋貂属 伍德拉克袋貂 Woodlark Island cuscus Phalanger lullulae Thomas 袋貂属 大洋洲袋貂 Phalanger matanim 袋貂属 灰袋貂 Common phalanger, Grey cuscus Phalanger orientalis (Pallas) 袋貂属 雅袋貂 Phalanger ornatus 袋貂属 印尼袋貂 Phalanger pelengensis 袋貂属 罗氏袋貂 Phalanger rothschildi 袋貂属 新几内亚袋貂 Phalanger leucippus Thomas 袋貂属 衣袋貂 Silky phalanger Phalanger vestitus (Milne-Edwards) 袋貂属 粗卷尾袋貂 Brush-tipped ring-tailed possum Hemibelideus lemuroides 环尾袋貂属 低地假掌袋貂 Lowland ringtail Pseudocheirus canescens (Waterhouse) 假掌袋貂属 韦兰德假掌袋貂 Weyland Mountains ringtail Pseudocheirus caroli Thomas 假掌袋貂属 沼林卷尾袋貂 Moss-forest ringtail Pseudocheirus forbesi Thomas 假掌袋貂属 昆士兰卷尾袋貂 Mongan Pseudocheirus herbertensis (Collett) 假掌袋貂属 山袋貂 Mountain pygmy possum Burramys parvus Broom 山袋貂属 树顶袋貂 Pygmy gliding possum, Feather-tall glider Acrobates pygmaeus 树顶袋貂属 苏岛纹袋貂 Strigocuscus celebensis 条纹袋貂属 大袋鼯 Greater glider Schoinobates volans (Kerr) 大袋鼯属 长尾袋貂 Long-tailed pygmy possum Cercartetus caudatus (Milne-Edwards) 侏袋貂属 西南袋貂 South-western pygmy possum Cercartetus concinnus (Gould) 侏袋貂属 美丽袋貂 Tasmanian pygmy possum Cercartetus lepidus (Thomas) 侏袋貂属 矮袋貂 Eastern pygmy possum, Dormouse possum Cercartetus nanus (Desmarest) 侏袋貂属 羽尾袋貂 Feather-tailed possum, Pen-tailed phalanger Distoechurus pennatus (Peters) 羽尾袋貂属 阿氏伪手袋貂 D'Albertis ringtail Pseudocheirus albertisii (Peters) 伪手袋貂属 绿卷尾袋貂 Green ringtail Pseudocheirus archeri (Collett) 伪手袋貂属 东伪手袋貂 Eastern ringtail Pseudocheirus corinnae Thomas 伪手袋貂属 铜伪手袋貂 Coppery ringtail Pseudocheirus cupreus Thomas 伪手袋貂属 岩卷尾袋貂 Rock-haunting ring-tailed possum Pseudocheirus dahli Collett 岩卷尾袋貂属 北帚尾袋貂 Northern brush possum Trichosurus arnhemensis Collett 帚尾袋貂属 短耳帚尾袋貂 Mountain possum, Short-eared brush-tailed phalanger Trichosurus caninus (Ogilby) 帚尾袋貂属 帚尾袋貂 Brush-tailed possum, Vulpine phalanger Trichosurus vulpecula (Kerr) 帚尾袋貂属 伊岛斑卷尾袋貂 Spolocuscus maculatus 斑卷尾袋貂属 莫罗贝斑卷尾袋貂 Spilocuscus rufoniger 斑卷尾袋貂属 树袋熊科 Phascolarctidae 树袋熊 Koala Phascolarctos cinereus (Goldfuss) 树袋熊属 袋熊科 Wombats Vombatidae 塔斯马尼亚袋熊 Common wombat Vombatus ursinus (Shaw) 袋熊属 昆士兰毛吻袋熊 Queensland hairy-nosed wombat Lasiorhinus krefftii (Owen) 毛吻袋熊属 南澳毛吻袋熊 Southern hairy-nosed wombat Lasiorhinus latifrons (Owen) 毛吻袋熊属 鼠袋鼠科 Potoroidae 赤褐袋鼠 Rufous rat-kangaroo Aepyprymnus rufescens (Gray) 赤褐袋鼠属 盖氏袋鼠 Eastern bettong Bettongia gaimardi (Desmarest) 草原袋鼠属 草原袋鼠 Boodie,Short-nosed rat-kangaroo Bettongia lesueuri (Quoy and Gaimard) 草原袋鼠属 毛尾袋鼠 Woylie , Brush-tailed bettong Bettongia penicillata Gray 草原袋鼠属 荒漠袋鼠 Dresert rat-kangaroo Caloprymnus campestris (Gould) 荒漠袋鼠属 麝袋鼠 Musky rat-kangaroo Hypsiprymnodon moschatus Ramsay 麝袋鼠属 澳洲长鼻袋鼠,澳洲(鼠菐) Long-footed potoroo Potorous longipes Seebeck et Johnston 长鼻袋鼠属 宽脸袋鼠,宽脸(鼠菐) Broad-faced potoroo Potorous platyops (Gould) 长鼻袋鼠属 长鼻袋鼠,长鼻(鼠菐) Potoroo Potorous tridactylus (Kerr) 长鼻袋鼠属 袋鼠科 Kangaroos Macropodidae 袋鼠目 暗色树袋鼠 Bennett's tree kangaroo Dendrolagus bennettianus De Vis 树袋鼠属 囊树袋鼠 Unicolored tree kangaroo Dendrolagus dorianus Ramsay 树袋鼠属 丽树袋鼠 Ornate tree kangaroo Dendrolagus goodfellowi Thomas 树袋鼠属 灰树袋鼠 Grizzled tree kangaroo Dendrolagus inustus Muller 树袋鼠属 拉姆氏树袋鼠 Lumholtz's tree kangaroo Dendrolagus lumholtzi Collett 树袋鼠属 马氏树袋鼠 Matschie's tree kangaroo Dendrolagus matschiei Forster et Rothschild 树袋鼠属 西岛树袋鼠 Dendrolagus scottae 树袋鼠属 皂树袋鼠 Dendrolagus spadix 树袋鼠属 拟熊树袋鼠 Vogelkop tree kangaroo Dendrolagus ursinus Temminck 树袋鼠属 红腹袋鼠 Red-bellied pademelon, Tasmanian wallaby Thylogale billardierii (Desmarest) 丛林袋鼠属 黑袋鼠 Dusky wallaby Thylogale brunii (Schreber) 丛林袋鼠属 红腿袋鼠 Red-legged pademelon, Red-legged scrub wallaby Thylogale stigmatica (Gould) 丛林袋鼠属 红颈袋鼠 Red-necked pademelon Thylogale thetis (Lesson) 丛林袋鼠属 黑林袋鼠 Black forest wallaby Dorcopsis atrata Van Deusen 林袋鼠属 大林袋鼠 Greater forest wallaby Dorcopsis hageni Heller 林袋鼠属 愁林袋鼠 Dorcopsis luctuosa 林袋鼠属 林袋鼠 Common forest wallaby Dorcopsis muelleri (Lesson) 林袋鼠属 马氏林袋鼠 Dorcopsulus macleayi Mikloubo-Maclay 小林袋鼠属 小林袋鼠 Lesser forest wallaby Dorcopsulus vanheurni 小林袋鼠属 小兔袋鼠 Least hare-wallaby, Central hare-wallaby Lagorchestes asomatus Finlayson 兔袋鼠属 眼镜兔袋鼠 Spectacled hare-wallaby Lagorchestes conspicillatus Gould 兔袋鼠属 蓬毛兔袋鼠 Western hare-wallaby Lagorchestes hirsutus Gould 兔袋鼠属 褐兔袋鼠(褐兔(鼠甫)) Eastern hare-wallaby Lagorchestes leporides Gould 兔袋鼠属 纹兔袋鼠 Banded hare-wallaby Lagostrophus fasciatus (Peron et Lesueur) 纹兔袋鼠属 辔甲尾袋鼠(辔甲尾(鼠甫寸)) Bridle nail-tailed wallaby Onychogalea fraenata (Gould) 甲尾袋鼠属 新月甲尾袋鼠 Crescent nail-tailed wallaby Onychogalea lunata (Gould) 甲尾袋鼠属 北甲尾袋鼠 Northern nail-tailed wallaby Onychogalea unguifer (Gould) 甲尾袋鼠属 相拟岩袋鼠 Petrogale assimilis 岩袋鼠属 短耳岩袋鼠 Short-eared rock wallaby Petrogale brachyotis Gould 岩袋鼠属 贝氏岩袋鼠 Warabi Petrogale burbidgei Kitchener et Sanson 岩袋鼠属 小岩袋鼠、小岩(鼠甫寸) Petrogale concinna 岩袋鼠属 加氏岩袋鼠 Godman's rock wallaby Petrogale godmani Thomas 岩袋鼠属 素色岩袋鼠、素色岩(鼠甫寸) Petrogale inornata 岩袋鼠属 黑肋岩袋鼠、黑肋岩(鼠甫寸) Petrogale lateralis 岩袋鼠属 帚尾岩袋鼠(帚尾岩(鼠甫寸)) Brush-tailed rock wallaby , Western rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata (Gray) 岩袋鼠属 蒲河岩袋鼠 Petrogale persephone 岩袋鼠属 罗氏岩袋鼠 Rothschild's rock wallaby Petrogale rothschildi Thomas 岩袋鼠属 黄足岩袋鼠 Yellow-footed rock wallaby, Ring tailed rock wallaby Petrogale xanthopus Gray 岩袋鼠属 沙袋鼠 Swamp wallaby Wallabia bicolor (Desmarest) 沙袋鼠属 赤褐袋鼠 Rufous rat-kangaroo Aepyprymnus rufescens (Gray) 赤褐袋鼠属 沙大袋鼠 River wallaby, Agile wallaby,Sand wallaby Macropus agilis (Gould) 大袋鼠属 羚大袋鼠 Antelope-kangaroo Macropus antilopinus (Gould) 大袋鼠属 岩大袋鼠 Bernard's wallaroo Macropus bernardus Rothschild 大袋鼠属 黑纹大袋鼠 Black-striped wallaby Macropus dorsalis (Gray) 大袋鼠属 尤氏大袋鼠 Tammar (Dama wallaby) Macropus eugenii (Desmarest) (Desmarest) 大袋鼠属 烟色大袋鼠 Western grey kangaroo Macropus fuliginosus (Desmarest) 大袋鼠属 灰袋鼠 Eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus Shaw 大袋鼠属 格氏大袋鼠 Toolache Macropus greyi Waterhouse 大袋鼠属 西大袋鼠 Western brush wallaby Macropus irma (Jourdan) 大袋鼠属 圆盾大袋鼠 Parma wallaby Macropus parma Waterhouse 大袋鼠属 帕氏大袋鼠 Whiptaii(Pretty-face wallaby) Macropus parryi Bennett 大袋鼠属 强壮大袋鼠 Wallaroo(Hill kangaroo) Macropus robustus Gould 大袋鼠属 红颈大袋鼠 Red-necked wallaby(Bennett's wallaby) Macropus rufogriseus (Desmarest) 大袋鼠属 红大袋鼠 Red kangaroo Macropus rufus (Desmarest) 大袋鼠属



 THERE is a street in Copenhagen with a very strange name. It is called ?Hysken? street. Where the name came from, and what it means is very uncertain. It is said to be German, but that is unjust to the Germans, for it would then be called ?Hauschen,? not ?Hysken. Hauschen,? means a little house; and for many years it consisted only of a few small houses, which were scarcely larger than the wooden booths we see in the market-places at fair time. They were perhaps a little higher, and had windows; but the panes consisted of horn or bladder-skins, for glass was then too dear to have glazed windows in every house. This was a long time ago, so long indeed that our grandfathers, and even great-grandfathers, would speak of those days as ?olden times;? indeed, many centuries have passed since then.

 The rich merchants in Bremen and Lubeck, who carried on trade in Copenhagen, did not reside in the town themselves, but sent their clerks, who dwelt in the wooden booths in the Hauschen street, and sold beer and spices. The German beer was very good, and there were many sorts?from Bremen, Prussia, and Brunswick?and quantities of all sorts of spices, saffron, aniseed, ginger, and especially pepper; indeed, pepper was almost the chief article sold here; so it happened at last that the German clerks in Denmark got their nickname of ?pepper gentry.? It had been made a condition with these clerks that they should not marry; so that those who lived to be old had to take care of themselves, to attend to their own comforts, and even to light their own fires, when they had any to light. Many of them were very aged; lonely old boys, with strange thoughts and eccentric habits. From this, all unmarried men, who have attained a certain age, are called, in Denmark, ?pepper gentry;? and this must be remembered by all those who wish to understand the story. These ?pepper gentlemen,? or, as they are called in England, ?old bachelors,? are often made a butt of ridicule; they are told to put on their nightcaps, draw them over their eyes, and go to sleep. The boys in Denmark make a song of it, thus:?

 ?Poor old bachelor, cut your wood,

 Such a nightcap was never seen;

 Who would think it was ever clean?

 Go to sleep, it will do you good.?

 So they sing about the ?pepper gentleman;? so do they make sport of the poor old bachelor and his nightcap, and all because they really know nothing of either. It is a cap that no one need wish for, or laugh at. And why not? Well, we shall hear in the story.

 In olden times, Hauschen Street was not paved, and passengers would stumble out of one hole into another, as they generally do in unfrequented highways; and the street was so narrow, and the booths leaning against each other were so close together, that in the summer time a sail would be stretched across the street from one booth to another opposite. At these times the odor of the pepper, saffron, and ginger became more powerful than ever. Behind the counter, as a rule, there were no young men. The clerks were almost all old boys; but they did not dress as we are accustomed to see old men represented, wearing wigs, nightcaps, and knee-breeches, and with coat and waistcoat buttoned up to the chin. We have seen the portraits of our great-grandfathers dressed in this way; but the ?pepper gentlemen? had no money to spare to have their portraits taken, though one of them would have made a very interesting picture for us now, if taken as he appeared standing behind his counter, or going to church, or on holidays. On these occasions, they wore high-crowned, broad-brimmed hats, and sometimes a younger clerk would stick a feather in his. The woollen shirt was concealed by a broad, linen collar; the close jacket was buttoned up to the chin, and the cloak hung loosely over it; the trousers were tucked into the broad, tipped shoes, for the clerks wore no stockings. They generally stuck a table-knife and spoon in their girdles, as well as a larger knife, as a protection to themselves; and such a weapon was often very necessary.

 After this fashion was Anthony dressed on holidays and festivals, excepting that, instead of a high-crowned hat, he wore a kind of bonnet, and under it a knitted cap, a regular nightcap, to which he was so accustomed that it was always on his head; he had two, nightcaps I mean, not heads. Anthony was one of the oldest of the clerks, and just the subject for a painter. He was as thin as a lath, wrinkled round the mouth and eyes, had long, bony fingers, bushy, gray eyebrows, and over his left eye hung a thick tuft of hair, which did not look handsome, but made his appearance very remarkable. People knew that he came from Bremen; it was not exactly his home, although his master resided there. His ancestors were from Thuringia, and had lived in the town of Eisenach, close by Wartburg. Old Anthony seldom spoke of this place, but he thought of it all the more.

 The old clerks of Hauschen Street very seldom met together; each one remained in his own booth, which was closed early enough in the evening, and then it looked dark and dismal out in the street. Only a faint glimmer of light struggled through the horn panes in the little window on the roof, while within sat the old clerk, generally on his bed, singing his evening hymn in a low voice; or he would be moving about in his booth till late in the night, busily employed in many things. It certainly was not a very lively existence. To be a stranger in a strange land is a bitter lot; no one notices you unless you happen to stand in their way. Often, when it was dark night outside, with rain or snow falling, the place looked quite deserted and gloomy. There were no lamps in the street, excepting a very small one, which hung at one end of the street, before a picture of the Virgin, which had been painted on the wall. The dashing of the water against the bulwarks of a neighboring castle could plainly be heard. Such evenings are long and dreary, unless people can find something to do; and so Anthony found it. There were not always things to be packed or unpacked, nor paper bags to be made, nor the scales to be polished. So Anthony invented employment; he mended his clothes and patched his boots, and when he at last went to bed,?his nightcap, which he had worn from habit, still remained on his head; he had only to pull it down a little farther over his forehead. Very soon, however, it would be pushed up again to see if the light was properly put out; he would touch it, press the wick together, and at last pull his nightcap over his eyes and lie down again on the other side. But often there would arise in his mind a doubt as to whether every coal had been quite put out in the little fire-pan in the shop below. If even a tiny spark had remained it might set fire to something, and cause great damage. Then he would rise from his bed, creep down the ladder?for it could scarcely be called a flight of stairs?and when he reached the fire-pan not a spark could be seen; so he had just to go back again to bed. But often, when he had got half way back, he would fancy the iron shutters of the door were not properly fastened, and his thin legs would carry him down again. And when at last he crept into bed, he would be so cold that his teeth chattered in his head. He would draw the coverlet closer round him, pull his nightcap over his eyes, and try to turn his thoughts from trade, and from the labors of the day, to olden times. But this was scarcely an agreeable entertainment; for thoughts of olden memories raise the curtains from the past, and sometimes pierce the heart with painful recollections till the agony brings tears to the waking eyes. And so it was with Anthony; often the scalding tears, like pearly drops, would fall from his eyes to the coverlet and roll on the floor with a sound as if one of his heartstrings had broken. Sometimes, with a lurid flame, memory would light up a picture of life which had never faded from his heart. If he dried his eyes with his nightcap, then the tear and the picture would be crushed; but the source of the tears remained and welled up again in his heart. The pictures did not follow one another in order, as the circumstances they represented had occurred; very often the most painful would come together, and when those came which were most full of joy, they had always the deepest shadow thrown upon them.



After class, a boy in his twenties and threes, like a whirlwind, rushed past the table. His chubby body, round and big head, short and black eyebrows inlaid with a pair of *** art big eyes, always make people feel that *** art and lively. If he finds something interesting, he immediately sends out a joyous cry, which is so clear and loud. Once, he didn't follow the rules in class. The teacher asked him to stand in front of him. He straightened up his chest, came to the center of the classroom, made a face to the class, and then *** iled with shame. The bright sunshine outside the window slants on his face. It's funny how he looks like a naughty little penguin!


Today limit: I go to ice with sugar.


Cui'er is a famous handsome girl in the mountain area. She is always in the sun and rain. She is not withered or tanned. Her face is white and clean. Her eyes and eyebrows are clear and bright. When I *** ile, my mouth is like a quiet crescent moon. When I speak, my voice is like a yellow warbler beating its hoof.


Today, I have a soft moon egg in my night.


I want to be a fool.


Little malaha (Mongol nationality), with beautiful eyes, red lips and white teeth, round face and egg, high nose, black and curly hair, is very handsome. It's just that the ears are too long and ugly, but the old people say that it's the "Buddha face" and blessed.


My sister is Wang Xiaomei. She is not tall, but she is very slim. On her peach face, there were big eyes, high bridge of nose and a *** all cherry mouth. She is four years older than me. We have been playing together since childhood. She always says I am not good, but I still like her very much.


Where are you? I don't love you. I don't think you should.


A lively and lovely little girl, white face, curved eyebrows under a pair of water *** art eyes.


My name is Zhang Xinxia. I'm eleven years old. In the fifth grade of primary school, I wore a black ponytail and walked to shake it. My eyebrows are curved like a sickle. A pair of big black eyes can be powerful to see people. Red lips are like lipstick. A pair of tender hands, ten fingers long and thin. People say, "ten fingers are long and *** art." I don't believe it! Once, I learned to nail buttons and pricked my fingers, which bothered me for several days.


She wore a flaming red flannelette and a short bean green skirt. Two little feet in luxe shoes are dangling in the air. They are very comfortable. The head with the pigtail is leaning on the right shoulder, the big eyes of shuilingling are blinking to me, the nose is slightly cocked, showing a naughty look.


When quarreling with people, it's better to go to the stairs to quarrel. The advantage is that both sides have steps after quarreling.


She is a lovely little girl, white face, curved eyebrows under a pair of water *** art eyes. She loves singing and dancing. She also joined the school dance team! She was wearing that red and white dress. When she danced, she was very graceful!


My brother is a fifth grade student in primary school. Round head, fat face, a pair of big eyes black and shiny, a *** ile, mouth and two dimples. He's about the size of me. Some people thought we were twins. In fact, he is just over ten years old, three years younger than me.


Show us a circle of beautiful women.


Small leather band holder


My sister is just in the first grade of primary school. She is *** art, sensible, good at singing and dancing. She is very cute. The little braids are also up, two black and bright eyes are rippling with microwaves, two faces are red, and two eyebrows are getting *** aller and thinner. She began to sing. Her fine black eyebrows were one by one, and her black eyes were looking at the distance affectionately. Her open hands were like wings, trying to fly to the sky.


He is thin as if he had more bones than meat. The pair of big feet, which are not commensurate with their height, are hooked with a pair of sky blue slippers larger than their feet. Two long legs like cranes hang down from the stool, one pressing on the other. His eyes narrowed into a seam, from which the knowledge in the book was absorbed.


Xiaoguang is a fifth grade student with big bright eyes on his round face. He studies well, but he doesn't like to work. Occasionally he was asked to do some work. He would pout and droop his head. The eldest one was not happy. He was also lazy when he walked. So his father always called "little lazy cat" and his mother often said: "little lazy cat, little lazy cat, when can you become a little bee?" Strange to say, before long, he really changed.


Coco loves without a head.


Today limit: praise the rich.


As soon as I entered the garden gate, a boy stuck to me. He was about eleven or twelve years old, dressed in red vests and blue shorts, with a drooping belt; he was covered in dirt, like a little man of land. The hairy little flat head, with a white round face, reminds me of dandelion. He looked like a moth in front of me and behind me, stretching his neck to see my light.


The deer in my heart, make sure to live.


I looked up and down at this little strong brother. He was half my height. There are a pair of *** all squinting eyes on the black face, which are dull. When his mother asked him what he said, he blushed and looked rustic, so I looked down on him heartily.


Angry to angry, not like you.


Jianhua's body is even, not fat but not thin. Her black hair is combed into two long and thin plaits. She has a ruddy melon face, big round eyes and two deep dimples on her cheek. She looks lively and lovely.


He is about thirteen or fourteen years old. On the *** all black and fat face, there is a sharp nose. Long hair, long time no care. A pair of big eyes twinkled under the thick eyebrows, and the black eyes moved around with great spirit.


Your friend uploaded two more good-looking photos.


Xiaoju is already 14 years old this year, but her body is not high, her arms are still *** all, her cheekbones are still protruding, her ten fingers are like a bunch of dried bamboo branches, as if they would break if folded; because she is very thin, it seems that her body is light and floating.


Come out and see the stars? It's OK not to see the stars.


You *** ile the most moving look, two thin lips in the *** ile, long eyes in the *** ile, the cheeks of the two dimples are also very move in the *** ile.


My cousin, Xu Xu, is only ten years old this year. He is fat and white. Round face is hung with a pair of nice dimples and watery eyes, which dribble and turn from time to time, showing a *** art and naughty spirit. The wise one is more willing to bow down than he is! By the way, my cousin is very strong!


A group of Dai girls came slowly, their figure was so slim, their steps were so light and graceful, like a group of beautiful fairies coming from the sky.


Tears are pearls that don't cry, don't cry, and become pigs.


A boy who likes to talk and laugh. Round and fat face, a pair of big eyes flickering, especially that big mouth, *** ile up the corner of the mouth slightly, speak very loud.


The trees were torn open, and a child's head came in. This is a boy, about twelve or thirteen years old. His face is black and thin, full of dust. His hair is about two inches long, and it's messy, like a magpie nest.


Now, I was shocked. Looking up, a girl of twelve or thirteen was sitting high on a branch of a tree with a harmonica in her hand. She was about to play. She wore a flaming red flannelette and a short bean green skirt. Two little feet in luxe shoes are dangling in the air. They are very comfortable. Her braided head was leaning on her right shoulder, her big eyes were blinking at me, her nose was slightly cocked up, showing a naughty look. As soon as you see her, you will like her from your heart and eyes.


The fairy is tired. The ferry robbery is over. I'm going home.


My sister is just in second grade this year. According to my usual observation, I summed up a word for her, which is "lazy". Don't say anything else, just say that after school, when her father asked her to sweep the floor, she would not like to shake her head and pout up her little mouth; no longer point to my brother, "I'm still young, why don't I ask him to go?" Alas, I have to put down my homework and sweep the floor. I'm willing to admit my misfortune.


Zhang is my clas *** ate. He is very lively, very *** art, a black hair, round face with a naughty look, a pair of big black eyes, naive to look at you. When he is proud, he shakes his head gently: when he is embarrassed by your critici *** , he shakes his head gently.


Bedding is God's branch in the world.


Heart is: finished.


Champion of national sullen competition


There are two country children in our yard. One is my sister. She is wearing a pigtail and a jacket. One is my brother. The hair on the forehead is like a teapot lid.


This circle of friends shields the mortals.


My mind is very good to guess, except you are making a fortune


The local little famous cute ghost.


There's a spin in the amusement park. What's going on?


It was a skinny child in his teens, but he had a pretty face. In particular, those eyes, which are bigger than ordinary people's eyes, flash with intelligent light. He dragged his clogs, and a shabby green uniform fell to his knees.


Some evidence of wasted time.


He is a funny boy. Round and fat face, a pair of big eyes flickering, especially that big mouth, *** ile up the corner of the mouth slightly, speak very loud. He likes to speak most, and he often answers questions in class. He likes to wear short white shirt, blue shorts, neat and generous.


Zhou Li is the best girl in our class. She was swarthy, with *** all round eyes that turned round and round nimbly, and thin lips. My grandmother said that people with thin lips can talk. It's true that Zhou Li talks like a machine gun. When she spoke, the big, fluffy brush at the back of her head swayed with air. When she saw that Shi and I were together, she gave up her little mouth and said rudely, "Shi is going to fight with bodyguards."


I don't talk much. I'm so beautiful.


Far away, I can see your back. The black hair tied behind your head with a bunch of big red silk ribbon is like a waterfall pouring down from the mountain stream in a quiet moonlit night. You came in bouncing, a red Ni coat, tight belt, so light, so vigorous, just like a red cloud floating in the sky.


In the sun, I saw a little boy with a *** all stature and a dark red face, and a pair of big eyes under the bushy eyebrows were particularly magical. On his left arm was a red armband, on which the words "on duty" were very conspicuous.


My sister is ten years old. She is in the third grade of primary school. On her flushed face, a pair of big, watery eyes fit her *** art look. Dark hair, two curved eyebrows, like the crescent moon. Her row of white teeth, missing a front tooth, a *** ile, it became an open tooth, very cute.

狼的资料 要有狼的外貌、习性、食物等描写 是英文 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急




thick 英[θ?k] 美[θ?k]

adj. 粗的,浓的,茂密的; 厚的,粗大的; 稠密的; 不透明的;

adv. 密集地; 不清晰地; 〈口〉太过分; 频频地,时常;

n. 最厚的部分; 最活跃或最激烈的部分; 〈口〉笨蛋; 〈俚〉可可粉;

[例句]For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and syrup


thin 英[θ?n] 美[θ?n]

adj. 薄的; 瘦的; 细的; 稀少的;

vt. 使瘦; 使淡; 使稀疏;

vi. 变薄; 变瘦; 变淡;

[例句]A thin cable carries the signal to a computer




拉丁学名: Canis lupus(总称), Canis lupus laniger(中国狼 狼,似犬,锐头,白颊,高前广后。――《说文》







狼之起源  古生物时代,食肉性动物中进化最为完美的三种顶级动物,为恐怖鸟(泰坦鸟)、剑齿虎、狼,今天我们只能看见其中的狼,而恐怖鸟(泰坦鸟)、剑齿虎都已灭绝。


距今约五百万年前的上新世纪中期,狼起源于新大陆,并在一百五十万年前的更新世中期分化发展。外形特征  外形有小(郊狼)、中(森林狼)、大(草原狼),吻尖长,眼角微上挑。因为产地和基因不同,所以毛色也不同。外形和狼狗相似,但吻略尖长,口稍宽阔,耳竖立不曲。尾挺直状下垂;毛色棕灰;常见灰、黄两色,还有黑、红、白等色,个别还有紫、蓝等色,胸腹毛色较浅。腿细长强壮,善跑。灰狼的体重和体型大小各地区不一样,一般有随纬度的增加而成正比增加的趋势这一说法。一般来说,肩高在66.04-91.44厘米(26-36英寸),体重32-62公斤(70-135磅)。野生狼体重记录——其中1939年在阿拉斯加被打死的一只,当时80公斤(175磅)。最小的狼是阿拉伯狼,雌性的狼有的体重可低至10公斤(22磅)。狼群适合长途迁行捕猎。其强大的背部和腿部,能有效地舒展奔跑

生活习性  狼是群居性极高的物种。同时,狼群也拥有着极为严格的等级制度。一群狼的数量大约在6到12只之间,在冬天寒冷的时候最多可到五十只以上,通常以家庭为单位的家庭狼由一对优势对偶领导,而以兄弟姐妹为一群的则以最强一头狼为领导。狼群有领域性,且通常也都是其活动范围,群内个体数量若增加,领域范围会缩小。群之间的领域范围不重叠,会以嚎声向其他群宣告范围。幼狼成长后,会留在群内照顾弟妹,也可能继承群内优势地位,有的则会迁移出去(大多为雄狼)而还有一些情况下会出现迁徙狼,以百来头为一群,有来自不同家庭等级的各类狼,各个小团体原狼首领会成为头狼,头狼中最出众的则会成为狼王。野生的狼一般可以活12——16年,人工饲养的狼有的可以活到二十年左右。奔跑速度极快,可达五十五公里左右。狼的持久性也很好,它们有能力以60公里/小时的速度奔跑20公里。如果是长跑,狼的速度甚至会超过猎豹。智商颇高,可以通过气味、叫声沟通。狼是以肉食为主的杂食性动物,是生物链中极关键的一节。生活环境 灰狼曾经遍布北美洲但现在只能在阿拉斯加和不列颠哥伦比亚省寒带草原和森林能经常见到它们



狼的嘴长而窄,长着42颗牙。狼有五种牙齿,门牙、犬齿、前臼齿、裂齿和臼齿。其犬齿有四个,上下各两个,能有1.5英寸(2.8厘米)长,足以刺破猎物的皮以造成巨大的伤害。裂齿也有四个,是臼齿分化出来的,这也是食肉类的特点,裂齿用于将肉撕碎。12颗上下各6的门牙则比较小,用于咬住东西。生长繁殖 每年1至2月狼开始交配

狼的怀孕期为61天左右。低海拔的狼在一月交配,高海拔的狼则在四月交配。小狼两周后睁眼,五周后断奶,八周后被带到狼群聚集处。进化历史 大约在6,500多万年以前的中生代白垩纪晚期,恐龙的突然灭绝给了哺乳动物繁荣昌盛的绝佳机会。在此后的1,000多万年的时间里,随着新生代的大幕逐渐拉开,各种小型哺乳动物纷纷登上了进化史的舞台。在距今大约5,000万年的新生代始新世,现代食肉动物的共同祖先开始出现,以麦芽西兽(Miacis)的出现为标志,食肉类动物正式走上了漫长的进化之路。


Chapter One The Boy Who Lived 大难不死的男孩


The Dursleys shuddered to think what the neighbors would say if the Potters arrived in the street.

shudder ['?d?]

n.发抖;战栗;震动 vi.发抖;战栗

None of them noticed a large, tawny owl flutter past the window.

tawny ['t?n?]

n.黄褐色;茶色 adj.黄褐色的;茶色的

flutter ['fl?t?]

vi.飘动;鼓翼;烦扰 vt.拍;使焦急;使飘动


"Little tyke," chortled Mr. Dursley as he left the house.

chortle ['tt(?)l]

vi.咯咯笑 n.得意的高笑

It was on the corner of the street that he noticed the first sign of something peculiar -- a cat reading a map.

peculiar [p?'kjul?]

adj. 特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的

n. 特权;特有财产

There was a tabby cat standing on the corner of Privet Drive, but there wasn't a map in sight.

tabby ['t?b?]


adj.起波纹的;有斑纹的 vt.使起波纹

Mr. Dursley couldn't bear people who dressed in funny clothes -- the getups you saw on young people!

getup ['ɡet?p]


But then it struck Mr. Dursley that this was probably some silly stunt — these people were obviously collecting for something…

stunt [st?nt]


vt.阻碍…的正常生长或发展vi.表演特技;作惊人表演 ?

He didn't see the owls swooping past in broad daylight, though people down in the street did; they pointed and gazed open-mouthed as owl after owl sped overhead.

swoop [swu?p]


vi.猛扑;突然袭击 vt.攫取;抓起

It was on his way back past them, clutching a large doughnut in a bag, that he caught a few words of what they were saying.

clutch [kl?t?]




"Sorry," he grunted, as the tiny old man stumbled and almost fell.

grunt [gr?nt]



stumble /?st?mbl/

vi. 踌躇,蹒跚;失足;犯错vt. 使…困惑;使…绊倒

n. 绊倒;蹒跚而行

Mrs. Dursley sipped her tea through pursed lips.

purse /p?s/

n. (女士)手提袋;财力


It didn't so much as quiver when a car door slammed on the next street, nor when two owls swooped overhead.

quiver /?kw?v?(r)/

n. 颤抖;箭袋;震动

vi. 颤抖;振动vt. 使…颤动;抖动

The cat's tail twitched and its eyes narrowed.

twitch [tw?t?]




She looked distinctly ruffled.

ruffle ['r?f(?)l]

vt.弄皱;触怒;扰乱;迅速翻动 vi.起皱;烦恼;连续地轻敲


Professor McGonagall flinched, but Dumbledore, who was unsticking two lemon drops, seemed not to notice.

flinch ['fl?n(t)?]


Professor McGonagall's voice trembled as she went on.

tremble /?trembl/

vi. 发抖;焦虑;摇晃vt. 使挥动;用颤抖的声音说

n. 颤抖;战栗;摇晃

Dumbledore nodded glumly.

glumly ['gl?mli]


"It's -- it's true?" faltered Professor McGonagall.

falter ['f?lt?; 'f?l-]



It's just astounding... of all the things to stop him... but how in the name of heaven did Harry survive?"

astounding [?'sta?nd?]


A low rumbling sound had broken the silence around them.

rumble ['r?mb(?)l]



"No, sir -- house was almost destroyed, but I got him out all right before the Muggles started swarmin' around. He fell asleep as we was flyin' over Bristol."

swarm [sw?m]

vi.挤满;成群浮游;云集 vt.挤满;爬


Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead they could see a curiously shaped cut, like a bolt of lightning.

bolt [b?lt]





He bent his great, shaggy head over Harry and gave him what must have been a very scratchy, whiskery kiss.

shaggy ['?g?]


"Yes, yes, it's all very sad, but get a grip on yourself, Hagrid, or we'll be found," Professor McGonagall whispered, patting Hagrid gingerly on the arm as Dumbledore stepped over the low garden wall and walked to the front door.

gingerly ['d?nd?l?]



He clicked it once, and twelve balls of light sped back to their street lamps so that Privet Drive glowed suddenly orange and he could make out a tabby cat slinking around the corner at the other end of the street.

slink [sl?k]



One small hand closed on the letter beside him and he slept on, not knowing he was special, not knowing he was famous, not knowing he would be woken in a few hours' time by Mrs. Dursley's scream as she opened the front door to put out the milk bottles, nor that he would spend the next few weeks being prodded and pinched by his cousin Dudley...

prod [pr?d]



pinch [p?n(t)?]




Nothing like this man had ever been seen on Privet Drive. He was tall, thin, and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak that swept the ground, and high-heeled, buckled boots. His blue eyes were light, bright, and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice. This man's name was Albus Dumbledore.


It was plain that whatever "everyone" was saying, she was not going to believe it until Dumbledore told her it was true.


"We can only guess," said Dumbledore. "We may never know."


"Exactly," said Dumbledore, looking very seriously over the top of his half-moon glasses. "It would be enough to turn any boy's head. Famous before he can walk and talk! Famous for something he won't even remember! Can't you see how much better off he'll be, growing up away from all that until he's ready to take it?"


“I would trust Hagrid with my life," said Dumbledore.


If the motorcycle was huge, it was nothing to the man sitting astride it. He was almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide. He looked simply too big to be allowed, and so wild - long tangles of bushy black hair and beard hid most of his face, he had hands the size of trash can lids, and his feet in their leather boots were like baby dolphins. In his vast, muscular arms he was holding a bundle of blankets.


For a full minute the three of them stood and looked at the little bundle; Hagrid's shoulders shook, Professor McGonagall blinked furiously, and the twinkling light that usually shone from Dumbledore's eyes seemed to have gone out.


"Good luck, Harry," he murmured. He turned on his heel and with a swish of his cloak, he was gone.
